Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to Test Skin Care Water Content

Simple and effective way as a chemist or home user to test in the laboratory or at home the water content of a skin care or skin cream
  1. Weight 5 to 10 grams of the sample in a tared hot plate or tared or pre-weighed beaker.
  2. Record the weight of the empty plate or beaker as WB
  3. Record the wight of the sample of the skincare as WS
  4. Put the plate and the sample in an oven for a period of 1 hour at a temperature of 100-105 degrees Celcius

Caclculate the value of the water content with the following formula

Water Content = ----------------- x 100 - 100

Example = Weight After = 56.40 grams
Weight Before = 52 grams
Weight of the sample = 5 grams


Water Content is 56.40 - 52.0
----------------- x 100 - 100

= 12% Water Content

Water Content that is at least below 85% is passed or of good or tolerable quality. Skin Care and Skin creams water content are done this simple way in laboratories, of cosmetics and skin care labs. There are other ways to test water content, but we will tackle that in the next few posts. This is ideal as testing is done to know that skin care or skin creams is not full of water or mostly made up of water.
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